Very Clean Energy for a Better World
AT VC Fuel, we invest and partner with exceptional companies that provide products, services, and infrastructure that accelerate the transition to a decarbonized world. We focus primarily on the following areas:

Renewable fuels are fuels produced from renewable sources, including advanced biofuels, biomass, and biomethane — also known as renewable natural gas (RNG). We have deep experience in the biofuels sector, and believe there will be the opportunity to invest in transformational biofuels companies that use renewable feedstocks, including switchgrass, cornstalks, and food waste. RNG is also an area of specific focus. We target RNG companies that remove methane, which is 120 more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere.
We have partnered with a company that focuses on capturing methane from a variety of sources, including dairy farms, and converts it into clean natural gas.
At VC Fuel, we believe that Clean Agriculture is one of the most overlooked sectors in the green energy space. The agriculture sector is responsible for approximately 10% of the US’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and over 25% of GHG emissions worldwide. We are focused on finding companies that have the potential to decarbonize this sector at scale.
Most recently, we invested in the only USDA certified organic indoor vertical farming company. This company uses 99% less land, 95% less water, and 97% less fertilizer than a traditional farm. They are focused on creating jobs in some of the lowest income counties in America and they are scaling their operations nationwide.

We believe Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage, (CCUS) is the most direct and effective method for abating and mitigating carbon produced by industries that are difficult to decarbonize through
renewable electrification.
We focus on partnering with companies that are developing and scaling CCUS technologies, as well as companies that are implementing end to end CCUS projects.
At VC Fuel, we believe that hydrogen will be one of the keys to global decarbonization. We focus on four key components of the Hydrogen value chain: Hydrogen generation, storage, transportation, and consumption.
We have invested in a leading green hydrogen production company that uses novel technology to produce low cost hydrogen from methane or biomass feedstocks, with low carbon emissions. At scale, we believe this technology could remove upwards of 500 million tons annually, roughly 1% of global emissions.

It surprises many that the industrial and commercial manufacturing sector is responsible for 31% of global GHG emissions. At VCFuel, we believe that this is one of the most overlooked areas of energy transition and therefore presents some unique opportunities for investors. Clean manufacturing of such products as petrochemicals, steel, cement, and glass are critical to achieving a low carbon future.
VC Fuel has invested in a company that has created a proprietary and patented manufacturing process for green building materials.
Clean mobility products, infrastructure, and services will be central to a decarbonized future. While the market for these products is well served in some areas (such as electric vehicle production), we focus on infrastructure and services that enhance the efficiency, customer experience, and cost of EVs and other clean transportation solutions. Examples include EV charging technologies and infrastructure, battery recycling, and mining of materials critical to EV batteries.